Mercy International Reflection Process – Sisters of Mercy Brisbane Congregation Office



Last year, staff of the Brisbane Congregation office, Mercy Place Bardon and associated sites were invited to take part in the MIRP, Mercy International Reflection Process.  Liz Orupold, Executive Officer, guided us through the journey, and we met during lunch time over several weeks. “Care for the environment” was one theme that we discerned from our reflections.

Staff are committed to positive action. One such action is to introduce a new system of bins at the Bardon site, to encourage better waste separation and recycling.  This system will be based around the Australian Standard for mobile bin colours (AS4123.7-2006), with the addition of a white bin, for soft plastics.

There are also plans to begin composting organic waste!  Visitors to the office at Mercy Place Bardon, should start to see some of these around the place…



We plan to use a system of:

Red – Landfill

Blue – paper (we already recycle a lot of office paper)

Green – organic waste

Yellow – Mixed recyclables and comingled waste (improve this area)

White – Soft plastics. These are taken to a REDCycle collection point.

The REDcycle Program is a voluntary, industry-led collection system, developed in Melbourne.  Soft plastics are collected at various points around Australia, and then used as a resource in the creation of items such as park benches, bollards and signage.

We are currently looking at purchasing the bins and having conversations with those who will be involved, including cleaning contractors and all staff.

Battery recycling

Trish Dyson would like to thank all the Sisters for bringing in used batteries for recycling. These are currently being taken to Aldi supermarkets.  Please continue to bring them in.


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