Celebration of Jubilees, Brisbane Congregation

Jubilarian Sisters


Back row: Maree Hutchinson, Carmel McCormick, Christina Neylon, Mary Daly,

Anne Frances Carroll, Margaret Evans, Wendy Flannery, Colleen Geary and Brigid Courtney.


Front row: Shirley Myers, Marcia Maranta, Eileen Finucane, Alice McDonnell, Mary Sellen,

Enid Ryall and Mary Teresa Mullins


Absentees: Catharina Robinson and Patricia Landy

Sixteen Brisbane Sisters of Mercy recently celebrated sixty, fifty and forty years of service and ministry with members of the Congregation.

The Sisters’ Diamond, Golden and Ruby Jubilees were held on 24 May and commenced with Mass, celebrated by Fr Michael Twigg O.M.I., in All Hallows’ Chapel.

The Congregation Leader, Sr Catherine Reuter said

“On the Feast of Pentecost as we recall the outpouring of the Spirit of God in gratitude, let us acknowledge the compassionate and faithful commitment to the service of the gospel made and lived across the decades by our Sister Jubilarians. May the Spirit continue to transform you - being your breath and hope.”

Following the Eucharistic celebration in All Hallows' Chapel, all moved to the Pavilion, Function and Conference Centre, Albion where a delicious lunch was served and stories of the Jubilarians lives were enjoyed .

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